Thursday 2 February 2012

A make up mark

Being green

Well, I think you can learn about being more environmentally friendly in many places. However, for me the best is to learn with others. I have learnt about recycling, composting with friends mostly. However, I used to be a lot more radical and concerned about the environment, until, in my view, I realized I could not save the world on my own. I was in Germany in 1998 and then, people separated rubbish, would not litter, etc. 1998!!!!! And here, it still doesn’t happen! No money, no interest….
I still take all bottles to the bottle bank, take all milk cartons and tins to the supermarket all the time and switch off lights everytime I can but that is more or less it. I use the car to come here because I am exhausted. However, this is the only campus where I do this because I can park. Normally I go places by metro. It is terrible because the other day I took the car to the mechanic and I had to come here on the bus and I thought. “this is great” Cheap, quick, all right. Next time I’ll come on the bus. And I didn’t. I used to come on the bike sometimes in the past, and this year I did not do it once. What a disaster! What I’d like to do is to make sure to separate all rubbish (degradable, non degradable) but I don’t know if it would make a point because where I live, they just take the rubbish all together.
My carbon footprint must be high. Terrible thing!
I think our society needs to be educated so we can all be aware of the importance of recycling & reusing and all the benefits it could have.

Write about the environment answering the following questions:

What things do you do that are environmental friendly?

Do you think the Chilean government does enough to promote recycling?

What are the most common items that people recycle?

What things can average people do to protect the environment?

Write at least 300 words. Leave comments on my blog and the blogs of 3 classmates.

Friday 27 January 2012

Evaluacion docente

Dear students:
Could you please DO the evaluacion docente. This is not something I can see so you can be honest to yourselves and the world. It is important you do it because if you don't my bosses may think I don't want you to. Please do it. It only takes 15 mins.
programa inglés. At the bottom you'll find. Encuesta docente.
Thank you in advance.


Hi Bloggers,
Today we're going to talk our Santiago. Each and every one of us views the city form a different perspective that depend on many things. I was born in Temuco and later came to live here. I had the opportunity to live in England (Preston and Bristol) and in Germany (small town near Bonn) for a short time. I can say all 4 cities are radically different in so many ways. Weather, colours, people, urban planning, etc. Regardless of these things, your personal situation and frame of mind can also affect the way you view a city.
Write about your vision of Santiago.
What you like about the city and why,
What you dislike about the city and why,
What changes would make the city a better place,
What tips would you give to a visitor to the city,
Write at least 300 words. Leave a message on ALL your classmates' blogs & mine if you like. You can also put a picture

I love the surroundings of our city.

Thursday 19 January 2012

In your opinion, who is the greatest Chilean of all time?

Who it is,

What he/she did,

Why this person's deeds are important,

What question you would like to ask this person if you met them.

Mention anything else you think is important.

Write a minimum of 280 words and comment on ALL your classmates' blogs.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Good morning everyone.

Today, you’ll have the following task. You will write about the history of art.
Have a look at the following video to help you.
Write your own art timeline including and excluding what you find relevant. Put an image or link if you like.
Write a minimum of 280 words and write a comment on EACH of your classmates’ blogs.

Friday 6 January 2012

Video II

The second video is due on January 13th.

Talk about a Job you would like to have

Record a 2 minute mobile phone video presentation* about a Job you would like to have.

What the job is,
Why you would like to have this job.
What qualities you would need to do this job,
How difficult it would be to find a job like this in the future,

Mention anything else you think is important.

Thursday 5 January 2012


Since there is a chance for a free post today, and because one of the students suggested it, today I'll ask you to refer to "a favorite".
You can choose between a piece of music,a song, a book or a short story.

When and how you discovered it.

What its name is and who it is by

What made you like it/what is special about it.

What it is about.

Who do you think would appreciate it most.

Mention any other aspect you find relevant.

Write between 250 and 280 words. Use YOUR IDEAS AND WORDS. Please pay attention to tenses as you write.

Write 4 comments on your classmates'blogs.